Malcom X speach, 5 MAY, 1962

”Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair? Who taught you to hate the color of your skin, to such extent that you bleach to get like the white man?
Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose, and the shape of your lips?
Who taught you to hate yourself, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet?
Who taught you to hate your own kind—who taught you to hate the race that you belong to, so much so that you don’t wanna be around each other….?”
~Malcom X 1962

I don’t know who or what. Feels like instincts now. I can’t even control it.

Is Feminism always a fight for equality, or a fight for women only?

So maybe it’s just me, but as a kid, I was told many many many times who I should be and how I should change to be more liked by women. One of the biggest was being a nerd. Boys were told never to be a nerd. Don’t sound to smart around girls. Don’t talk about video games too much. There were even boys who did well in math and science who hid their the and homework scores to avoid being classified as a nerd. But it wasn’t just what you liked or was naturally good at that somehow made you less than a person. You couldn’t look the part either. If you wore glasses, expect to be called a nerd. If you were overweight or quiet, expect to be called a nerd. If you were overweight, you could basically forget about dating unless you were funny or had money. The only saving grace for being a nerd was that if you didn’t look good, at least have money so women will like you. That is what my parents told me, the girls in my class, that’s what I saw on television, ect.
I was told to be ashamed to be smart or like videogames, look a certain way, or even not being wealthy in the pursuit of not giving girls a reason to like me.
This isn’t to say that women don’t experience the same thing. They do. They are told to look and act a certain way to please males and to better their chances in finding a date. The problem is that we as a society only give attention to problems like this when they happen to women. There are so many gender neutral problems that people experience, especially in first world countries, but we have been told over and over again that the feelings of women is more important, so we must pay attention to their needs, despite both genders experiencing these frustrations. As a result, while women are being told that they are perfect no matter what, men continue to be told that they need to fit what women want instead of being themselves. Women like fit guys, so you better lose weight, dude. Women like tough guys, so you better show her how strong you are. Some women don’t want to work at all, so you better make enough money for the both of you. We don’t get those same “be who you are” or “you’re perfect the way you are” messages.
The fact that we give more attention to women for the same problem leads many people in 1st world countries to believe that men don’t experience this stuff at all. That men can’t be depressed, be suicidal, get abused, raped, attacked, or shamed. We just assume it doesn’t happen to men. That they are immune. Which leads to the whole feminist mindset of “we want to be treated like men”. What you fail to grasp is that you are already being treated like men, if not better. Your fight to end violence, but only for women, is not equality. Your support of women who cherry pick sexism out of video games is not equality. Your support of laws that further the assumption that men are always the aggressor is not equality. Your body positivity images directed only at women is not equality. At best it is simply making life more comfortable for women at the expense of the rights, support, and happiness of men. Because who cares about them, right?


Give Me A Reason

Ah. They’ve caught one more presumed criminal. I can be heartless when it comes to hurt people who hurt me or my loved ones. But I feel like there is ALWAYS a reason people do things. People aren’t born criminals. You aren’t born anything but a breathing, relatively precious thing. We lose and take things along the way. We lose our innocence, we find things like love, and we pick up things like bitterness, anger as we pick up the pieces of our heart, and really that’s fine. Life is all about taking and giving…I guess (I’m stingy, when I pick up things, they are not going back – I’m extremely bitter and angry). But some people just take too much bad from life experiences, and they lose control over what they picked up. There is ALWAYS a reason. You don’t just kill people. Everyone is a little guilty. Somehow. Which is why there is almost no such thing as justice. By whose standards are we going to judge people? The people who make the rules are somewhat superior? Who gets to decide who’s right or wrong? People don’t take in mind what others might feel because then it wouldn’t be fair. They don’t base their judgement on reasons but on actions because that’s the way its the fairest.  And really they are right, there is no other way around it.

But I can’t help wanting to know the reason behind EVERYONE’s bad actions and choices. Specially if you killed. I don’t know why, but when I think of criminals, I feel some type of compassion, as if they were misunderstood. I try to find more beauty or good in them than in other people. Regular people – me and my heart just mostly (i’m sorry to admit it) put you in a box, categorize them as annoying people who contribute to my misery (LOL).
There is ALWAYS a reason people do bad things though. And sometimes, I feel it’s only right to judge them based on that reason. I don’t like people in general, I love them individually.

Religion is as real as homosexuality. Please stop the fighting.

Repeat after me, virginity is NOT a social construct, it is a REAL religious FACT. It is the transition of a person from something to something else. Don’t eliminate the possibilities of something you don’t want to believe in.

Like, it IS an hetero-central fact, why? Because the church is against homosexuality. Don’t get me wrong, I love gay people as I would love anyone else, and they can do whatever suits them as long as it doesn’t affect me to be honest. But some of them are so arrogant. And I’m not generalizing because I’ve met so many great homosexuals. Which is why I think that Christians and homosexuals should end their feud. You live your life the way Christ wanted to, good, you don’t according to MY beliefs this is bad, but I’m not going to hate you for it because thats also a sin. What Chrisitans fail to realize is that, a sin is a sin, there is no measure to it. You lie, you’re a sinner, he killed, hes a sinner, he’s gay, so is he. But either way we can all ask for forgiveness, its doesn’t matter how much good you’ve done, BAD is, was and will always BE bad. 

All of you need to accept that.


So this girl once said to me “Everything was made by humans, they are just making God up to explain the things they can’t”

And it hit me and I thought “Wow, that’s so deep” . But then it came out to be the stupidest thing I had ever heard. If everything was created by humans, it everything revolved around us and we were the superior force to this world/universe, why wouldn’t we be able to explain it? Why would we make up such thing as a God? 

We can explain how we breathe, how oxygen goes in through this part of our body to circulate in our blood, all this sounds so simple, like there’s  nothing more to it. But why? Why are we provided all the things essential to our survival? Why the Big Bang, why the universe? 

But someone will tell me there’s no God or superior force right? Oh, ok.

Just meditating. x

Good with benefit

People act like they do good things for no reasons. They act as though they do good just for the sake of it. Hypocrites, hypocrites. We’re human. It isn’t a choice, you do things with ulterior motives, for interests. STOP acting like only the people in which the motive is obvious are selfish.

People believe in God, and they say “Because God created it us, because he loves us, because God is good” which is really code for, “I love God because he gives me what I want and fulfills my needs”. Because as soon as God starts slacking, their faith starts shaking.

Conclusion, they pray God because they need him, because its better for THEM.

You help others for the glory of saying you helped, for the glory of being called “good”. Every controllable good action you put out is for your own glory and selfish reasons.